Promovare si Diseminare

Realizarea unui pachet de vizibilitate al proiectului care sa contina informatii actualizate despre activitatile derulate pana la finalul Etapei 2/2013 (brosura, poster, roll-up).   Prezentarea proiectului in cadrul unor evenimente nationale Conferinta Euroguidance -NBCC, 21-22 nov 2013, Bucuresti    Stiri despre proiect publicate pe paginile de internet ale institutiilor partenere (exemplu):   Prezentarea proiectului in cadrul unor conferinte nationale si internationale: Tataru D., Zaharia B., Grecu B., Ionescu C.

November 26

Defining Earthquake

A seism or earthquake is the oscillatory, sudden, spatial, chaotic movement of the Earth’s surface caused by a very powerful shock produced by internal or external causes. At the time of the seismic shock, a large amount of kinetic energy is released. This propagates through the mass of the Earth as elastic waves called seismic waves which cause oscillations, and consequently earthquakes, when reaching the surface. The oscillations during the.

November 26


Year Phases/ Actions Reporting date 2012 Phase I Developing educational resources December 2012 Action I.1 Development of the learning resources Action I.2 “E-learning” in Romania – State of the art 2013 Phase II Preparation phase: patterns of implementation December 2013 Action II.1 Planning the testing ground – Project presentation for school participants (involved teachers and students) Action II.2  Planning the testing ground – Training teachers / Workshops Action II.3 Assessment.

November 26

Participant Schools

“Andrei Muresanu” High School, Brasov Ghimbav Secondary School, Brasov “Mihai Viteazul” National College, Bucuresti “Lauder-Reut” Educational Complex, Bucuresti “Nicolae Balcescu” High School, Cluj-Napoca “Decebal” High School, Constanta “Costache Negruzzi” College, Iasi ” Horia Hulubei” High School, Magurele “Gh. Lazar” National College, Sibiu “Regina Maria”, Secondary School, Sibiu “Grigore Moisil” High School, Timisoara “Silvania” National College, Zalau “Simion Barnutiu”, Secondary School,.

November 26


NIEP (National Institute for Earth Physics, Romania) is the leading institution for seismology in Romania. NIEP is an organization for  research and development in Earth sciences performing fundamental and applied researches focused on: Seismic source; Seismotectonics; Earthquake monitoring; Early warning systems; Seismic hazard; Earthquake prediction; Engineering seismology; Seismic microzonation; Lithosphere structure; Seismic risk; Seismic tomography; Shakemap. NIEP has been involved in a variety of European research projects in seismology and.

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