November 10

Where and Why Do Earthquakes Occur?

In order to properly understand how and why earthquakes occur, we must understand the formation of the Earth and its internal composition.   The Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago from a cloud of dust and gas that revolved around the Sun. Gradually, the Earth has increasingly warmed up until it turned into a sphere of incandescent rocks and melted metal. With the lapse of time, the Earth.

November 10

Defining Earthquake

A seism or earthquake is the oscillatory, sudden, spatial, chaotic movement of the Earth’s surface caused by a very powerful shock produced by internal or external causes. At the time of the seismic shock, a large amount of kinetic energy is released. This propagates through the mass of the Earth as elastic waves called seismic waves which cause oscillations, and consequently earthquakes, when reaching the surface. The oscillations during the.

Unde si de ce se produc cutremurele?

INFO Pentru a intelege cauza producerii cutremurelor, trebuie sa cunoastem modul de formare a Pamantului. Doua concepte stau la baza acestui capitol, si anume: planeta pe care traim este alcatuita din strate, stratul exterior sau de suprafata este fragmentat in bucati cu forme neregulate, denumite placi….. Din cuprins: Invelisurile Pamantului Una dintre cele mai simple metode de a descrie invelisurile Pamantului este prin analogie cu un ou fiert. Cum oul.

November 6

Despre cutremur

Despre cutremur

INFO Cutremurul este un fenomen natural, la fel ca ploaia sau ninsoarea. De-a lungul timpului, fenomenele  naturale au contribuit la „modelarea” suprafetei planetei noastre. Acestea afecteaza fiecare parte a Pamantului si, in functie de efectele pe care le au, pot fi mici si fara importanta sau pot fi catastrofale. Cutremurul poate dura doar cateva secunde, dar procesele care il cauzeaza se formeaza in milioane si milioane de ani. Cauzele cutremurului.


Educational Objectives  -Training students and teachers in analysis and interpretation of seismological data; – Preparing of several comprehensive educational materials; – Designing and testing didactic activities using informatics and web-oriented tools; – Installing a seismograph network in schools whose data can be used in educational purposes; – Contribution to professional development and  also providing the technical support for teachers involved; – Creating new learning modules in terms of school curricula.

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